Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ethiopian Family Dynamic.

Current Mood: Anxious.

Saturday evening will be a big day in my life. It is my senior graduation party, and it's kind of a milestone, I think. People have come from all around the world, just to see me? It's interestingly curious why they came to see me in particular. I'm an Ivy League boy? I'm a funny person? I'm family? Whatever the reason, I like it.

There is nothing quite as curious as an Ethiopian family eating food together. Family at the table have traveled all over the world: India (most recently), Berlin and all of Europe, China, Mexico, Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Dubai, Canada, France, Italy, etc. Crazy culture lies deep within the bones of these folks, and they're all crowded around me, waiting to hear me speak, watching my every move, looking to me for guidance. That's a lot of weight if you ask me. I love making them happy, and I guess this is their payment for that. I'm excited for the graduation party. It will signify my separation from my family and moving into my new existence, essentially, becoming independent, and becoming a man. This ceremony trumps the graduation ceremony that has been trivialized by tickets, odd speeches, and black folks hootin' and hollerin' to get everyone to notice their baby. I'm glad to hear from Nelson though. His speech is gonna bring people to tears, promise. I'll document! That's why I made this thing. Not only to inform my readers of my progression through life, but to remind myself that I am changing quickly, and that I need to simmer down sometimes. I hope I don't bore anyone.

I'm working on a few projects at the moment. I changed my cross stitch from a gift to a postcard. I'm gonna send it to a girl I hope to visit in the near future that isn't having such a good time right now it seems. I did get the chance to talk to Wendi Thomas from the Commercial Appeal today. She killed me on Twitter. Also I have to remind myself to e-mail Stan Bell back.

Today I went to work @ 12:14. I was very late, but Mrs. Chang kind of pardoned me. She was mad though, because she had to go somewhere. I went inside and rushed to make the many drinks that I was needed for. I worked really hard today, and none of the people in the kitchen had to stop cooking because I was on the dishes like clean on dem forks, heck yeah. I love working @ Changs.

The bubble tea of the day:
Green Mango!

I love it. I love it. I love it. It's so sour, yet so good for the summer. Hazelnut is out :'( Sanket will be very angry.

Well, it's late, and I'm reading this C++ book for another project. I'm gonna buy a microprocessor and make this robot that I've been meaning to make. Either the robot will display tweets somewhere large in my room, or it'll tweet by itself every 12 hours and I'll get people to send it around the country. Schematics, Source Code, Pictures, and Videos coming mad soon.

Also, I need to work on playing the ukulele often, play WoW/D2, go to work, run, work out, get my license, continue blogging/facebooking/twittering, start praying often, eat more at home and spend more time here. I think I've got this. Now let's wrap this up with some music.

Listening to: Henrietta - The Fratellis


Confucius, M.D. said...

hey ramzi cool blog! good post; congrats on almost-graduation! high school's over and soon you'll be entering another era of your life...bittersweet memories, lol
and good song, henrietta. love it

-john song